Monday, May 21, 2012

INSPIRED BY [nature]

Today, Liam and I spent the day at my mom’s. I am very close with her and my step-dad so every chance I get to go over and see them, I take. Not only do I love to see them and catch up on the weekly happenings, I love their enchanting yard, it’s the perfect place to sit and read on a calm, sunny day.

Daniel and I moved into our home a year ago, right before Liam was born, and I’m talking RIGHT before (WEEKS), so we haven’t gotten much of a chance to work on our yard.

Their place always gives me inspiration, puts me in a better mood and makes me feel more grounded and in tune with mother nature..  

I want to share these pictures I took today while Liam was napping; I am not a photographer so give me a break! :)

DSCF3273  DSCF3269

I hope you are all having an inspired and beautiful week so far!

What are some of your daily inspirations?


  1. Thank you, Sarah! :) Your pictures are gorgeous! You need to start a photo blog just to share them with the world! :D
